Atelier Visit
Marion Borgelt is an asserted contemporary artist based in Sydnay. Her works are strictly linked to nature and its shapes; in her paintings and creations it is deepened the connection between what is men-made and what organic, playing with pairs of conflicting concepts. The most of her activity is in Australia, but she also lived in Paris for several years and won international prizes.
How would you describe your art?
My art reflects the world around me – both the manmade environment and the natural world – using light and colour as key sources of inspiration.

Where do you usually find inspiration?
I wrote the following about my work several months ago and it describes a lot of my thinking:
“Planet earth is surrounded by the most theatrical of backdrops – a magical display of infinitude in whose darkness the lights of dying stars reach us millions of light years from their original source. Such drama of exploding stars and gaseous infernos eventually fades and expires, finally morphing into something else, somewhere else.
Artists and philosophers alike have taken inspiration from the magnitude of the heavens and the esoteric nature of time and in my work, we see some tiny threads of their influence in the intensity of colours, the layered darkened backgrounds and the evolving, shifting forms and shapes. The cosmos is an alluring, beckoning subject.”
Is traveling for you a good source of inspiration? If yes, what particularly?
Travelling allows us to see the variety and range of how people live. We see different cultures with their own particular customs, we see a different geography and natural world of plants and animals. This makes us reflect on our own world which in turn challenges us to explore different creative approaches.

The way you are painting now, has it always been like that or you went through different phases?
Experimentation and invention are important to me. Therefore, I like to explore different mediums in new and interesting ways which eventually result in new phases of work. I have created many suites of work each expressing an aspect of myself. The whole picture is a composite of all these phases – that is who I am as an artist.
Do you do some kind of research/planning before creating a new artwork or you follow inspiration of the moment?
The point of departure for new work arises from previous work followed by research and experimentation for new suites of work.

What would you like to communicate with your paintings?
I would like the viewer to see that every artist has something unique to offer and my work is a personal language that has grown from many decades of creating art.
How do you consider contemporary art?
I am living now and working now and that is the true definition of contemporary.

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